Executive Overview

Last update: December 25, 2024

Brand Overview

Yokeasy is an online service that offers couples a pathway to a covenant marriage that is outside the confines of adhesion marriage. Through Yokeasy couples can purchase legal document packages to secure themselves, their children, and their assets.

The Problem

When a person enters into traditional adhesion marriage they risk everything that have earned and accumulated. This is the main cause for nearly 60 million Americans to choose to not enter into marriage with the one they love.

The Solution

Yokeasy is a covenant marriage solution that avoids jurisdiction upon the time of a divorce. Because the divorce industry views covenant marriage as a novelty, our customers should not be compelled to a divorce court.

Market Size

Many industries revolve around marriage. The combined total generated between marriage, divorce, and asset protection is approaching $400 billion annually. The marriage industry “fuels” the divorce and asset protection industries. Yokeasy is positioned to acquire sizable marketshare from all three industries.

  • Each year the marriage industry generates nearly $180 billion.

  • Each year the divorce industry produces approximately $180 in total revenue. This includes nearly $100 billion in government spending to support the business.

  • Families spend approximately $10 billion annually to protect their assets.

Yokeasy is the only brand that offers a tri-market solution that couples both want and need more than ever.

Yokeasy Solutions

Marriage Solutions

Yokeasy offers a new type of marriage covenant certificate along with legal structuring that includes trusts, wills, corporation, LLC, custody agreements, etc. The Yokeasy products offers couples the ability to enter into marriage without the typical worries of adhesion marriage.

Divorce Solutions

Divorce Easy is Yokeasy’s divorce product that allows couples to terminate their covenant marriage by simply serving their spouse with a Yokeasy Writ of Divorce. From their, all other matters are agreed upon during local mediation.

Our Process

Step 1

The customer purchases a Yokeasy covenant package. The covenant document includes the terms of the life and dissolution that both parties agree to.

Step 2

The customer completes a form, Yokeasy then completes necessary documents based on information provided. Customer is sent documents and congrats package.

Step 3

Upon divorce, a divorce package is purchased. A form is completed and the necessary divorce documents are shipped. Mediation is then scheduled locally.

Nationwide Capability

Yokeasy offers legal structuring such as wills, trusts, LLCs, corporations, and more. The brand also offers pertinent documents such as shareholder agreements, operating agreements and more. When purchasing a legal package, the customer is offered a registered agent as well. All of these services are available in all 50 states.

Indirect Competing Brands

The online legal service industry is riddled with dozens of “same game different game” brands all competing for the same customer. Each service offering a similar product achieving the same goal. For the most part, these brands capture the customer after the marriage process. Since there are so many brands, customer acquisition cost is very high.

Key Advantage

Yokeasy’s key advantage is it’s relationship with American church leadership at local levels. Yokeasy has accumulated nearly 70,000 brand endorsements from local pastors. Because of the tyrannical behavior of the predators within the divorce business pastors are eager to support something that can empower couples to enter into marriage without the fear and the threat of the typical divorce equation.

100 Million


$20 Billion


20 Million




Revenue Streams


Yokeasy’s covenant process is profitable on the front end. The average package price is $700 with a cost to service at only $135.


Yokeasy’s annual subscription package offers the customer convenient document updates for $99-$399 per year. The cost to service ranges from $10 to $40.


There is a 54% chance that Yokeasy’s couples will divorce within 60 months. With this, a divorce package is $999 and only costs $100 to service.


Yokeasy’s vendors marketplace enhances weddings by connecting couples to local vendors. Vendors pay $99 per year for a listing. 500k merchants are expected.

Highest Margins in the Industry

“We are deploying AI in a way that eliminates 90%+ of human time.”

Yokeasy’s suite of products are 100% digital. With this, our deployment of AI nearly eliminates the need for costly human to human interaction. The entire system is designed with the idea that

Yokeasy for Business

The future of Yokeasy includes servicing small businesses. The brand is setup to serve small business owners who are launching small to medium size companies. No matter what state, Yokeasy can serve the business. The focus of the expansion will be to target those who are forming businesses and want to be equally yoked as partners.

Services Include:

  • LLC/Non-profit/for profit corporation

  • Necessary documents

  • Registered agents

  • Name registrations

Launch Schedule

Q1, 2025

Yokeasy will enter it’s beta phase during Q1, 2025. Only one hundred couples will be serviced while the systems are tested.

Q2, 2025

During Q2, 2025 marketing efforts will increase to grow the brand to 50 customers per week. Divorce Easy is expected to be tested as well.

Q3, 2025

Mainstream media promotion will commence. The goal is set to grow the brand to 100 customers per week and 100 vendors per week.

Q4, 2025

By the end of Q4, 2025 the goal is to be servicing 1000 new customers per month. The vendor marketplace will be recruiting 1000 vendors monthly.

Legal Structure

Yokeasy is an S Corporation that is 100% owned and operated by Dunamis-Inc. The company is operated in Tennessee and is a product of the Dunamis brand incubation and acceleration lab.

Yokeasy Founder

Yokeasy is created by David McPherson. David is a patented inventor, author, and a pioneer of many industries. David’s calling and mission in life is to discover what is next while offer great solutions that disrupt industries. His passion for marriage stems from his love for God and his drive to set people from from corrupted systems and processes.

The information provided in this summary is provided on an “as is” basis and for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a solicitation or offering of securities, equities, assets, or investments of any manner. Yokeasy International Inc (named herein as “Yokeasy”) managers, members, partners, affiliates, etc. are presenting this information to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Yokeasy and its members, directors, partners, and business associates disclaim all warranties, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, and completeness. Any forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimates, and projections, but are not a guarantee of future results and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. By accepting this document, the reader acknowledges this disclaimer and accepts all responsibility pertaining to any related investment decisions. 

By accepting this Executive Summary document, the recipient also acknowledges and agrees that: (1) all of the information contained in the Executive Summary or made available in connection with a further investigation of Yokeasy, is confidential, will be treated in a confidential manner, and the recipient will not, directly or indirectly, disclose or permit its agent or affiliates to disclose any of such information; (2) no personnel of Yokesy, its customers, suppliers or otherwise are to be contacted directly or indirectly under any circumstances without the prior acknowledgement and or consent of Yokeasy; (3) Yokeasy does not make any representation (express or implied) contained in, or for any omissions from, the Executive Summary or any other written or oral communications transmitted to the recipient in the course of its evaluation of Yokeasy: and (4) if the recipient does not wish to pursue this matter or upon Yokeasy request, the recipient will return the Executive Summary to Yokeasy as soon as practicable, together with any other materials relating to Yokeasy which the recipient may have received from Yokeasy. 

No securities regulatory authority has assessed the merits of these securities or reviewed the information in this document. This document, and information contained herein are for discussion purposes only. The contents are not to be reproduced or distributed to the public or the press. Securities regulation in all states prohibits such distribution. It is not an offer, solicitation, or an agreement to sell securities which may only be completed pursuant to a subscription agreement entered into between the parties and must be subject to all applicable securities legislation and regulations hereunder. The information disclosed in this document is a summary only. 

ADVICE DISCLAIMER: Yokeasy and any of its subsidiaries, management, shareholders, consultants, associates, or affiliates (collectively Yokeasy) are not a registered dealer or advisor under National Instrument 31-103 “Registration Requirements and Exemptions”. Yokeasy is not in the business of advising in securities. Any information contained herein does not advise, recommend, or otherwise represent to anyone that any investment opportunity contained in this document is suitable for any person. If you want advice about any investment opportunity and whether any investment opportunity presented in this document or elsewhere is a suitable investment for you, contact a registered advisor or dealer.