Please Read Our FAQ Carefully.
Marriage is the Most Important Decision of Life.
General Questions
In most states it is not legal for a pastor to officiate marriage without being licensed to do so. If the Pastor is licensed then in most states he can only officiate a wedding where the couple have a government issued permission slip (marriage license) to marry.
Covenant Marriage is real marriage.
Yes. You can find the gift card link on the home page and the footer of this website.
U.S. Government Contractual Marriage
Contractual marriage is what most U.S. citizens do. They buy a marriage license and enter into a contractual marriage upon signing.
Modern day U.S. based contractual marriage was created by law schools to control who could marry who and to seize the opportunity to capitalize on U.S. divorce. A process was created within the legal system to systematically transfer billions of dollars in wealth from the American working class to the American ruling class. This is why Yokeasy exists!
Yes you can. If you want to be free from the bondage of contractual marriage you can simply visit a local court house, complete the proper contractual marriage dissolution documents to get started. Once complete, you can the arrange to enter into a Covenant Marriage together.
When a couple enters into a contractual marriage they hand the authority of their children and assets over the to the United States Government. This is why the divorce industry is nearly $200 billion annually in the United States.
When you enter into a contractual marriage you are handing the U.S. Government the ability to decide the fate of your children upon a divorce.
We believe that the modern day U.S. based contractual marriage process was created by very evil people to prevent certain races from marrying members of other races and to capitalize on divorce. We do not believe that it is real marriage created by God.
On the yokeasy covenant marriage certificate both parties agree that upon the unfortunate event of a divorce, they will conduct any disputes through the Yokeasy mediation society. You can visit the Yokeasy Mediation Society by clicking the button at the bottom of this section.
The Yokeasy Us+ package includes parental right protection documents. You and your spouse are in control to decide how the parental rights would be agreed upon should a divorce occur.
The Yokeasy Us+ package includes asset protection documents that allows you and your spouse to agree on the potential splitting of assets should the unfortunate event of a divorce occur.
The yokeasy Us+ package includes a custodial agreement that covers parental rights should a divorce occur.
The Yokeasy Us+ package includes 50/50 parenting terms that are agreed upon during a time of peace. Within the documents, both parties agree that upon a custody dispute, they will manage all dispute items through the Yokeasy Mediation Society process rather than expensive and very risky litigation.
86% of the time, during a U.S. based divorce process one parent gains control of the children while the other parent is left with small amounts of time with the children and zero rights to make decisions such as religion, education, and health.
Within the Yokeasy suite of products, asset protection documents are available. you and you future spouse get to decide on hoe assets are held, managed, and divided upon the unfortunate event of a divorce.
For the most part, the Yokeasy document package covers future assets. However, updating pre-marital agreements
Name Change
Yes you can. In most states the process is similar. Simply visit a local court house and fill out a name change petition. In most cases you can change your name for just about any personal reason you deem necessary.
Yes, in most cases performing a name change for your minor children is the same process as if you entered into a U.S. based contractual marriage.
Our Process
The Yokeasy Marriage Covenant is prepared with your current status in mind.
The second step in the Yokeasy process is preparing you and your future spouse with protections for your health, your family, your income, and your assets.
Upon the completion of your documents, our celebration package is expediently shipped to you. Some documents are given as a digital download while some are delivered to your door as hard copies.