Power of Attorney

When entering into a private marriage covenant, it is necessary to create a power of attorney.

What is a Power of Attorney?

A power of attorney is a legal document that allows someone to make decisions on your behalf. Decision making authority may include medical decisions, legal decisions, custody decisions, financial decisions, and more.

Why is it needed?

Having a power of attorney in place empowers your spouse when in a private marriage covenant. A power of attorney gives the marriage a stronger structure and ensures that spouses can make vital decisions when or if medical (or other) emergencies arise.

How does Yokeasy help?

Yokeasy is the #1 marriage brand in the world. We are experts at ensuring each of your family’s legacy is preserved through the harshest of life’s moments. Our power of attorney documents are designed for your legacy. The health of your marriage, your children, and your assets is our mission.

Why should you have a Power of Attorney?

  • Protect: Since a power of attorney grants decision making authority, by default an extra layer of protection is granted to your marriage. This protection comes by way of authority is defined.

  • Define: A power of attorney defines specific authorities that creates decision making boundaries as well. This simple document can save a you from experiencing specific grief and inconvenience.

  • Reduce Liability: A power of attorney reduces liability for the grantor because authority is defined. At the same time, since the agent (the person in which authority is granted) can operate according to the guidelines of the power of attorney, his/her liability is reduced as well.

  • Specific Provisions: Within your power of attorney, specific provisions can be included. These provisions limit authority that is given.

  • Multiple Agents: While most couples grant power of attorney (to each other) for all of life’s scenarios (medical, financial, etc), some couples choose to limit their spouses authority. As a result, they provide their parent(s) or another trusted person with specific authorities as well.

  • Specific Timeframe: A power of attorney can be granted for limited or specific periods of time. Many couples grant a power of attorney to each other for 12 month timeframes.


Less than 2% of couples have a power of attorney in place.


36% of all medical emergencies require a power of attorney.


Only 6% of people who become incapacitated have a POA.

$3 Billion

Amount of medical liability in 2024 due to lack of POAs.

Enter into a safe, private marriage covenant today!

Benefits of using a Yokeasy Power of Attorney

Why Yokeasy is the #1 choice for creating a Power of Attorney.


Yokeasy has created a very simple process that allows you to create a power of attorney within 24 hours.


A Yokeasy power of attorney can be updated at anytime if your circumstances change.


A Yokeasy power of attorney is included with each of the packages. More can be purchased for $49.

Controlled by You

You have absolute control of your power of attorney. It is a private document, you do as you need.

Simple to Update

A Yokeasy power of attorney is easy to maintain and update as needed. We can help with updates.

Safe/Secure Storage

While you maintain copies of your power of attorney, Yokeasy stores them in your online account as well.

Common Questions

  • Some people who marry someone with children from a previous relationship grow in love for their step children. If agreed upon, custody of step children can be granted by biological parents.

  • Yes. A power of attorney can be cancelled at any time.

  • Yes. When used in private marriage, some give specific authority to their spouse and some authority to their parents.

  • Yes. Most private marriages grant power of attorney to each member of the marriage.

  • No. Only the grantor of a power of attorney can grant a power of attorney to a different individual.

  • No. This activity is not lawful in most states.