Private Marriage Covenant

The single biggest decision you make is whether or not you choose a private covenant or adhesion marriage.

What is a Private Covenant ?

A private marriage covenant is a document in which two individuals enter into a mutually agreed upon covenant. The document is kept private and is not filed with any governing authority.

Is it legal?

Private marriage covenants are not against the law. Up until the 1930’s, private marriage covenants were the primary way in which couples were married.

How does Yokeasy help?

Yokeasy is the #1 private covenant brand in the world. Our process is created to assure your private marriage covenant is prepared and delivered as proficiently as possible. No other brand comes close to Yokeasy.

Why Private Marriage Covenants are the most preferred way to marry today.

  • Security: Since the couple maintains control of the marriage, private marriage covenants are proven to be the most secure type of marriage structure.

  • Privacy: Since private covenant marriage is completely between two individuals, only the couple who created the covenant know the terms of it. This detail gives the couple authority on who is aware of such details.

  • Risk mitigation: Predators of the divorce industry are not find no interest in being retained by individuals that have entered into a private marriage covenant. This is usually due to the fact that in most cases couples in a private covenant marriage have pre-marital arrangements that are professionally created, and pretty much bullet-proof.

  • Jurisdiction: Private marriage covenants are not usually subject to conventional divorce court (since they are a private arrangement between two individuals). However, during a divorce situation, your spouse can litigate


The amount of pastors who endorse private covenants.


Private covenant marriage has become the #1 choice for couples.


Amount of couples who entered in to a private covenant in 2024.

$6 Billion

Amount Private covenants have diverted from the divorce industry.

Enter into a safe private covenant marriage today!

Benefits of Private Covenant Marriage

Why Yokeasy is the #1 choice for private covenant marriage.


Yokeasy has created a very simple process that allows a couple to enter into covenant marriage within hours.


When coupled with proper legal documents, a private marriage covenant is the safest available.


Private marriage covenants are an inexpensive way to marry. The Yokeasy covenant is only $99.


When establishing a private covenant marriage, the couple have beginning to end authority over the covenant.

Low Threat

Private marriage covenants nearly eliminate risk of loss. Yokeasy offers the lowest risk in the industry.

Simple Divorce

Upon an unfortunate time of divorce, private marriage covenants can be terminated in a single day.

Risks of Private Covenant Marriage

Yokeasy experts are on standby to answer any questions. Feel free to contact us.

Social Security

In many cases, spouses in a private covenant marriage cannot collect their spouses social security.


Some religious organizations condemn private covenant marriage due to the simplicity of divorce.


The IRS does not normally recognize private covenant marriage, as a result, marriage tax breaks are not given.


Some companies do not recognize private covenant marriage, as a result may withhold payments to a spouse.


Because most do not understand private covenant marriage, social grief and pressure is often experienced.


In some cases, insurance companies do not recognize private covenant marriage and may not insure a spouse.

Legal Products to Secure Private Covenant Marriage


A legal arrangement that is useful for various levels of asset protection.

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Yokeasy Assurance

An assurance policy that offers to pay legal expenses should divorce litigation occur.

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Child Security

Agreements that ensure fair custody arrangements upon a divorce.

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Power of Attorney

A document that outlines spousal authority with finances, medical, etc.

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Legal entities to hold assets and/or businesses, available in all 50 states.

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Marital Documents

Friendly marriage agreements to outline asset terms upon a divorce.

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Name Change

A self filed document that legally changes the name of the Wife.

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Marriage Plan

All Yokeasy products include a free custom marriage plan to empower marital success.

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Divorce Easy

Necessary documents used for the purpose of performing a divorce outside of court.

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Common Questions

  • No.

  • Yes. The name change process is the same in almost all 50 states.

  • Description text goes here
  • Item description
  • Yes, you can enter into a government endorsed “marriage” at anytime. Many do this after many years of covenant marriage for the purpose of tax breaks, retirement income, and insurance.