How divorce causes bondage “forced human servitude”.

January 8, 2025

The Declaration of Independence declares that life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is granted to us by our creator. When this was written, it was written to declare that the government should not infringe in a persons life in such a way to hinder our pursuit of happiness, our life, and our liberty.

Through the years, our officials have ignored this founding principle and have trampled on it in such a way that these basic characteristics of freedom have no meaning today.

In the years to come, we would see generations of Americans enslaved in various ways. From forced work in cotton fields to paying improperly imposed income tax to alimony and child support payments.

When looking specifically to divorce court, we see an infringement of these principles at a most grievous level. American “law” does not set people free from each other when a divorce ends. In over 90% of divorce trials, one person (84% of the time its the man) is stuck serving the other for many years or sometimes decades to come.

This modern day forced human servitude is nothing more that modern day slavery and must be looked at as such. We as Christian Bible believers are Christians because of the freedom we are given in Christ and His truth.

From the beginning of the Bible we are told a story of the Hebrew people in captivity. God sent a man (Moses) to lead them from bondage to freedom. This is a clear example of God’s intention on freedom versus bondage.

In America, when a court forces a parent into years or even decades of forced servitude, the ultimate loser are the parent’s children. The children have no choice but to be caught in the cross-fire of the court’s irrational decision.

To make matters worse, a government with an endless budget (acting as the most powerful collection agency on Earth) is ready and willing to incarcerate a man when he cannot afford to make the forced payments. And do not think that courts are eager to adjust payments based on actual income or expenses.

In America today, there are men who see jail time 15-20 years after a divorce has been finalized. In fact, 6 of every 10 men who enter into divorce litigation will see the inside of a jail cell (I have written another blog post about this subject matter). Again, another way in which children suffer. It is estimated that nearly 200,000 daddies are jailed annually due to not being able to keep up with court demands.

The one thing that I did not know when entering into my divorce litigation was how the court could easily make me a criminal. The process is simple. They set a finaicial obligation so high that I couldn’t make the payments. Then, they incarcerate based on the late payments. Now you are in the matrix and there is no getting out. How great of a nation do we live in when a person can be jailed years after a divorce is over simply because he doesn’t earn enough to make the courts happy.

After a divorce, most men spend 4 - 7 years recovering financially. Whereas on average women recover in less than 24 months. The reason is that for the most part, women are set free to go and restart life. Not only do they have little to no past financial obligations, but they are receiving payments to empower their recovery.

Even though the parent receiving the payments may think they are free from their ex spouse, this is a lie as well. As they become dependent on the support payments, they become more and more entangled in spiritual bondage. This also makes future marriages even more difficult.

Beyond receiving payments, whenever a court grants one parent to be the “main parent” and the other to be the “non-main parent” (worded differently state by state), both are in bondage. The reason is because the “main parent” usually sets the rules of visitation. This causes the “main parent” to be in mental bondage still wanting to scorn their ex spouse. To the contrary, the “non-main parent” is in bondage because he is having to parent his children while having to be under the lordship of a scornful ex-wife.

America is designed to be a place where not one person is in bondage with another. A place where children should be safe from tyranny. American voters have allowed modern day laws and practices to flourish and ultimate cause tens of millions of children to not only be separated from their daddies but also lose hundreds of billions of dollars in inheritance. As a nation we must stand for what is right, and stop the predators within the divorce industry from wreaking havoc into the lives of our children.

Your support of Yokeasy is your vote with your dollar. When you enter into a marriage covenant you are doing so to make this world a better place. Starting in your very own home. And if you end the covenant, it should be so to again, make this world a better place. Where two people go and make the best of their lives, living bondage free in peace and experiencing the good fruit of being obedient to our Heavenly Father.

The author of this article is not a licensed attorney. This article is of my own research, opinions, and ideas. This article is not to be taken as legal advice.


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